We Built a Play Zoo

We Built a Play Zoo. Do you have kids that have lots of toys but always seem to be bored or have nothing to do. That’s my kids, their toys are some sort of collection that they never play with. This week I was tired of telling them to play with their toys so decided on a project to make so that they would have something to play with and making it would give us something to do together.

Play zoo

We have too many of these plastic animals around. This project started there. I hit the scrap pile and found some nice sized pieces that would serve as the base. To find sticks we went on a hunt around our yard together. We also used craft stick/Popsicle sticks. I have a low temp glue gun and was in charge of using it.

To make a cage with craft sticks just glue time around the edge of a block of wood. For spacing we held one stick next to one glued on to glue the next stick.

To make the stick cage we just broke pieces of sticks. The spacing just worked out depending on how the stick curved or how fat it was. It was simple.

This project was great for learning and discussion. I had the kids sorting animals by animal name and colors. We discussed where each animal lived. And since our plastic animals came in crazy colors we talked about what the animal really looked like, no green elephants really exist.

Thanks for stopping by At Home with Sweet T!!!


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